
Archive for May, 2008

Sardonicnell tagged me this meme a while back but since I haven’t been “blogging” I’m now only getting to this.

The rules: Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six unimportant things/habits/quirks about your self. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let these random people know that they are tagged by leaving comments in their blog. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Here are the 6 list of quirky things about me . . . what is “quirky?” Hee! Hee! OK . . . “QUIRKY” as defined means a peculiar behavior, which I know I have more than 6 but we’ll just list down what comes to mind:

1. I have a fetish for storage containers. . . not just your regular Rubbermaid or Tupperware ones, but those nice clear plastics one can find at The Container Store.

2. When we go camping, all of our stuffs are neatly packed inside those plastic bins and labeled as such to make it easier to unload. I also have a “welcome” mat in front of our tent. (I know I named 2 but these are related to camping.)

3. When I pack our lunches, the sandwiches, cookies, etc. all have to be neatly in its plastic bags. I always always wrap the sandwiches in wax paper first before putting them inside the plastic bags.

4. Speaking of plastic, I do not, I repeat, I do not like eating on plastic plates. I’ll eat on them if I have to but I do not own any plastic plates or those heavy plastic ones used for picnics. To me, the food always taste better on glass or stoneware.

5. I also have a thing for “pretty” platters. Although I have several, if I see a new platter that I like, I’d go out and buy it. To me presentation is so important. It must be the Martha in me. Ha! Ha!

6. Now the last one has to do with our dog, Toby. I know he is a dog and dogs do get dirty and muddy but when there is muddy area on the dog park, I would pick Toby up so that he wouldn’t get dirty. When the area is mud free, I’d put him down. I know that’s anal, but heck . . . that’s part of my quirkiness! Just the thought of having Toby getting inside the car with muddy feet and often times he sits on my lap so I have to avoid the muddy paths.

Note:  I just realized after reading this (Numbers 1-5)  list that I definitely have something for “plastic” .  What can that possibly mean?  Ha! Ha!

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  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 4 oz. parmesan cheese (grated)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • sesame seeds

MIx butter and sugar until creamy. Add eggs one at a time. Sift flour and baking powder. Add to sugar mixture little by little. Add sour cream, parmesan cheese . . . mixing well. Grease 9″ spring pan or baking dish with butter. (I use the floured baking spray.) Add mixture evenly. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for 40 to 60 minutes.

Note: If using an oblong pan or jelly roll pan, you’ll need to double the ingredients as show in my picture.

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Two days ago I had a bout with vertigo. I was on the computer at work when I started feeling dizzy. At first I thought it would subside but as minutes past, my dizziness got even worse. They ended up calling the EMT/paramedics but first the campus police came along with the fire department. Right before they came though, I was feeling very very naeseous (if you know what I mean). Well, eventually the EMT/paramedics came and whisked me on the gurney and off I went straight to the ER. Bril had come with me (love you Bril!) in the ambulance. Moments later, the hubs came too. After spending several hours and monitoring my vitals, they discharged me at around 4’ish in the afternoon. The hubs had already taken Bril back to work by then. The verdict was what I thought I had . . . “vertigo.” The last bout I had with vertigo was at least 10 years ago but I remember that one was worse because I had the sensation that the room was spinning endlessly in circles. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my doctor and probably my neurologist. We shall see . . . Right now the hubs is taking Toby out for his morning stroll while here I am at the lap top. This is still resting for me although I do have a pounding headache now. Arghhh! Believe it or not I actually baked (for the first time) this Salvadorian Quesadilla cake this morning . . . that was before my friggen headache. We’ll see how it turns out.

Yesterday was my first day being home after my ER episode. The hubs and I quickly went to Mi Pueblo to get a few things for this week’s dinner and since we were already there, I ended up getting my veggies and fruits instead of going to Farmer Joe’s. In turns out that I am low on potassium too so I’ve loaded up with bananas. Since I had time to actually make dinner (from scratch), I made chicken menudo (instead of pork this time). As I was preparing the dinner, I get a knock on the door . . . it was Bean and Father “G” . . . Father “G” had insisted to Bean that he wanted to “surprise” me. Boy was I surprised. Luckily I was up and about and not feeling miserable. 😉 Anyhoo, they ended up staying for dinner. It was nice that they came over to visit and was glad that what I had prepared would work out.

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